Let’s Make a Difference Together!

Join The Do Good Crew

Together we can make a difference in our community!


Who we are.

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Some people may call us dreamers, activists, or even hippies, but to us, we are just volunteers who care about the environment and want to give something back to our planet and our community.

What we do.

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We work with local non-profits including New Roots, Salvation Army, Our Community Foundation, Eagle River Watershed Council and more+

to give back to our planet and our community through volunteer projects, community action days, and doing our part to protect and preserve the world we live in.

Why we do it.


Community, Environment Ethics, Sustainability are the fundamental values of All The Good Stuff. We believe that small actions can create huge impacts! From the way we shop to the way we live, every choice and every action has an impact on the environment and we want to leave this world a little bit better than we found it. Together, we can make a big change!

Would you like to join us?

Fill out the form below to receive information on upcoming Do Good Crew action days and let’s make a difference together!

Upcoming DO GOOD CREW Action Days


Monday, June 14th

Where: Salvation Army Garden (Avon)

What: Pumpkin Planting Day!


Date TBD

Eagle River Watershed Council

Community Clean-up Day
Sign Up

Date TBD

New Roots Garden Day


Date TBD

The Community Market Volunteer Day
Sign Up

Previous Do Good Crew Action Days

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2021 Community Pride Highway Clean-Up

Thank you to all the volunteers, sponsors, and organizers of the 21st Annual Community Pride Highway Cleanup! Hosted by the Eagle River Watershed Council.

With your help we were able to

+clean up approx. 140 miles of roadways along I-70, US-6, hwy-131, and hwy-24

+Pick up approx. 22+ tons of trash!

+Protect our rivers, streams, and wildflife while also beautifying this amazing place we call “home”!